• Holiday Shopping With Izzy

    Omg. Five more days until Christmas! Can you believe it!? Where did the time go? I’ve been so busy this year, I didn’t realize we are literally at the end of the year. I guess time flies when you’re having fun right? However, I hate to admit but I’ve been slacking with Christmas presents! Usually I would be on top of presents for my loved ones and coworkers. But this year, being that I am so busy, I barely had time to actually be creative with presents! So if you’re like me, you are probably running around and scrambling for what to get for your loved ones. Props to you…

  • A Little More Personal

    Yayyy! It’s Friday! 9 more days ’til Christmas! I seriously cannot believe how fast it has been! Another year has gone by and we are all one year older and wiser! (I hope that’s the case for me). So if you are wondering why my hair is darker, I can explain! lol I totally forgot about this shoot that I did back in the east coast a few months ago! This was my first day going back to darker hair. I apologize but better late than never right? I did this shoot in Richmond, VA, the city I call my home because I spent a memorable 6 years attending college…

  • My first Vlog!

    Hey all! So today is a little different! I don’t have a new blog post for you but I sure have a new Vlog! So please watch & subscribe! I am looking forward to creating more videos to share with you all my life adventures living in California. Just a quick snippet at how my experience went when I was editing this video. I am such a noob when it comes to technology! So it was so hard to start because I didn’t know where to begin! I took so many videos throughout my birthday weekend to make sure I have enough footage for this Vlog. So when it was…

  • How I Stay Motivated & Inspired

    When was the last time you felt alive? What I mean is have you ever had the feeling of overwhelming excitement that you felt your whole body is on cloud 9, life is great and anything and everything is possible? I can tell you that I don’t often experience that but when I do, it is just magical. It almost felt like pixie dust was sprinkled on me. I know it has been a while since I’ve talked about motivational and inspirational topics so I figured today we can all get inspired and motivated to do whatever it is that we are afraid of doing. Sometimes, I tend to lose…