
Day Dreaming














Happy Monday babes! Are you all enjoying your weekend? I always wish the weekends are a little longer because I use that time to explore the area, I love living in Los Angeles because I will never run out it things to do 😬 there are so many things to do here!

I saw Finest Hour this past weekend and that movie was really good! You all should go see it! And plus Chris Pine is handsome ❤

I went to a dancing competition yesterday in Costa Mesa #VIBE and I am so stoked to be able to experienced all the amazing dancers performed! It was so inspiring to see how creative everyone was and the way they moved!  But I will share more about my weekend events in my first Travel post this week 🙂 find out who I met! So stay tuned!

This outfit was taken in Santa Monica with Emilynn, I came across her photographs on IG and immediately fell in love with them so Emilynn and I explored Santa Monica taking 8 different outfits! It was such a fun and amazing day! I was extremely happy with how the pictures turned out!

Funny thing about this outfit is that it is supposed to be a shirt on a taller person, however, I am petite so I wore it as a dress! Petite ladies, this is one of the perks of being short! You can wear shirts as dresses! I bought this from Forever 21 and the material is very soft and silky on your skin!

I wanted to go for a harder but yet feminine look so I paired it with black ankle boots, these are perfect to walk in and they are just the right style for dresses, skirts, jeans or shorts! Super versatile. These boots do add a rocker chic look to your outfit, it sure gives me more of a sassy attitude haha I felt empowering. To soften the look I wore a black hat. I used to think hats looks funny on me and I still do but something about this hat made me felt so feminine and sexy in a way, they fit me perfectly! It isn’t too small nor too big. It is the perfect balance! What do you guys think?


Love Linh,